Reverse Retro Adjustments

This window allows the reversal of any adjustments generated through the Retrospective Time processes.


  • Retro Time has to be in Use via Activity ID T000194 Retrospective Time.
  • Retro Adjustments should be created through:

    (a) Time Editor by navigating back to a Retrospective period, changing an entry, saving, then clicking on the Create Adjustments button; or

    (b) Running the Pay Period Recalculation with Retro ticked in 'P' mode over a period where changes have been made retrospectively.

Rules and Guidelines

  • On the Header, the Reverse ALL Adjustments button does not reverse any entries with a status of Posted or Reversed. This only reverses records in status Blank.
  • You will only be able to search for employees within your Security Profile. If there is a MULTI record and you do not have access to every employee in that MULTI record, then you will not see the MULTI at all. You will have to go to someone with a Security Profile who has access to everyone within the MULTI should there be a need to amend the entries, or be provided with a Security Profile which covers all employees in the MULTI.

  • When the system determines that there are no retro changes upon navigating to Time Editor, pulling back a Retro Period and clicking the Create Adjustments button, you will now be presented with a message advising that No Retro Adjustments changes are detected.

Field Information